Our Mission
We are dedicated to ensuring that Oklahoma students with intellectual and developmental disabilities have the opportunity to achieve higher education and participate fully in campus life.
We asked students from all four IPSE programs their thoughts about attending college…
New Legislation!
For Qualifying Students Attending a CTP Designated Program:
*Oklahoma Access and Achievement Scholarship: Awards Amount Equal to Tuition for Up to 5 Years After the First Semester.
*OTAG Expansion (Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant). Now Includes IPSE Students!
For More Information: OK College Start
Red River Higher Education Alliance (RRHEA) Summit
May 17th, 2024
UNT - Denton Texas:
Texas and Oklahoma programs, student panel, Keynote Speaker: Liz Weintraub
OK TX Summit!
April 14th, 2023
Metrotech Springlake Conference Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
The First of its Kind in Oklahoma
Focusing Solely on College Programs for Students with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities.
7 Programs 2 States
National Experts Student Panel
Vendors Full Info Day!
Breakfast and Lunch Included! (Hey, you gotta eat!)
What does IPSE mean?
This means that programs are fully included in the Institutions of Higher Education where they reside. Students in these programs have the same access to all the opportunities any student has on campus, because they are students.
This means after High School, as an adult learner. This is a subtle but profound difference.
We all know that education means learning. Inclusive Post-Secondary is a much different phase of life than K-12. There are high expectations, there is homework, and there are tests to demonstrate knowledge! There is also a meaningful credential that students achieve when completing the programs.

Our Partners
The OK IPSE Alliance is a partnership between:
Department of Rehabilitation Services
The Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services expands opportunities for employment, independent life and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities. They are a great partner with the universities to help offset costs for both students and the programs.
Sooner SUCCESS promotes a comprehensive, coordinated system of health, social and educational services for Oklahoma children and youth with special needs in their community. Sooner SUCCESS addresses barriers by promoting community capacity and infrastructure spread in communities and at regional and state levels.
The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Special Education Services (OSDE-SES) is committed to providing guidance and support in order to promote excellence in education from infancy to adulthood for children with disabilities as outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA).